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International student health insurance Switzerland

For students, interns, and au pairs in Switzerland
CHF 63 / Month
Swisscare Apply now
Swiss regulated insurer
Swiss regulated insurer
Accepted in all cantons
Accepted in all cantons
Recommended by universities
Recommended by universities

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This insurance offers robust medical and accident coverage, aligning with Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Swiss Health Insurance Ordinance KVV/OAMal. This ordinance dictates insurance requirements for foreign students, interns, and au pairs in Switzerland.

Enjoy all the benefits of the Swiss national health insurance scheme, KVG-LAMal, without the need to provide any medical history or fill out medical questionnaires.

Who can apply?

  • Students
  • Interns
  • Au pairs
  • Doctoral students
I’ve always enjoyed playing in Switzerland. The crowd support is amazing here, and Basel is one of the best indoor tournaments in the world. - Stan Wawrinka


  • Swiss KVG-LAMal Compliant Benefits
  • Coverage for illness and accidents.
  • Both in- & out-patient treatments.
  • No health questionnaire needed.
  • Direct billing for hospital stays.
  • Entirely online process.
  • Recognized in all cantons.
  • Suitable for student visa applications.
  • Options of 3 insurance tiers.
  • Select from 4 deductibles.
  • Handy mobile app for both iOS and Android.
  • Flexible payment via bank transfer or credit card.
  • Simple online claim submissions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an exemption procedure ?

    What is an exemption and why do I need one?


    The Swiss Health Insurance Act (KVG-LAMal) mandates all residents to have basic coverage from a Swiss health insurance provider. However, certain individuals, such as foreign students, interns, trainees, or au pairs, can ask to be "exempted" from selecting a Swiss health insurance provider. With an exemption granted by local authorities, they can choose private insurance providers as long as they meet the KVG-LAMal benefits requirements.


    Swisscare's International student health insurance Switzerland plans provide the required benefits outlined in the Swiss Health Insurance Act. To enrol in one of our Swiss plans, you must obtain an exemption from the relevant local authorities.


    How do I request an exemption?


    After applying for an insurance plan, you will receive detailed instructions by email, as the procedures may vary based on your local authorities. In general, you will complete an exemption form, which you will send back to Swisscare along with the required documents in high-quality PDF format. Our team will manage the paperwork and submit it to the relevant authorities. If the local authorities only accept online submissions, Swisscare will assist you through the process.


    The local authorities will then review your documents to determine if you qualify for an exemption. This review process can take a few weeks to several months. Once a decision is reached, you will be directly notified. It's important to note that Swisscare will not receive updates about this process.


    Does this mean I don't have to pay for health insurance?


    No. Regardless of the exemption outcome, you still need to pay premiums. The exemption process does not excuse you from the obligations of the Swiss Health Insurance Act, which mandates that every resident must have health insurance.


    Do I have to pay for my health insurance during the exemption procedure?


    Yes. Coverage is mandatory during the processing of your exemption request. Failing to pay will result in the suspension of coverage, requiring Swisscare to notify the authorities. This suspension interrupts the exemption process, and you may be registered with a national Swiss health insurance provider by the authorities. Swiss law also requires insurance coverage from the day of arrival, emphasising the importance of meeting payment deadlines to prevent coverage suspension and the subsequent notification to the authorities.


    Can the exemption application be denied?


    Yes. If the local authorities find you ineligible, they can reject your exemption application. They would provide reasons for refusal and a deadline for appeal. In case of denial, you must get coverage from a national Swiss health insurance provider and contact Swisscare to start the termination process.


    Why do I need an exemption confirmation?


    This document, typically sent by mail from the local authorities, confirms your exemption from the Swiss Health Insurance Scheme due to your coverage through Swisscare's International student health insurance Switzerland plan. 


    Keep it safe, as you will need to provide a scan or copy when submitting a reimbursement claim.

  • How can I change my address?

    Update your address by logging into your customer account or through the MySwisscare app, available on iOS and Android.

  • Hospital treatments, general practitioners or dentists, what is covered?

    If you need medical treatment:

    1. Ensure treatment is by a doctor with recognized certification in the treatment country.

    2. Depending on your chosen insurance, exclusions might apply. Consult the General Insurance Conditions for clarity. If uncertain, ask the claims service about reimbursements.

    3. For outpatient treatments (no overnight hospital stay):

      • Typically, pay upfront.
      • Submit claims via email, your customer account, or the MySwisscare app (iOS/Android).
    4. For inpatient treatments (overnight hospital stay):

      • Present the digital insurance card from your MySwisscare account or app.
      • If the hospital needs more info, share directly from the app by entering the hospital's email. They'll receive the full policy details.
      • Often, the hospital will bill the insurer directly, though they might ask for a security deposit.

    Dental coverage:

    • Generally, dentistry is only covered in accidents.
    • If a plan includes dental treatments, it'll be mentioned in the General Insurance Conditions and the benefits list.
  • How do I claim my medical expenses?



    • Coverage only includes benefits listed in the General Insurance Conditions.
    • Exclusions might apply and can vary by insurance product. It's advisable to review your product's coverage in detail beforehand.

    Outpatient Treatment:


    • For outpatient treatments (no overnight stay in a medical facility), the insured must pay all medical bills upfront (this includes doctors, pharmacies, specialists, and hospital outpatient services).

    Claim Procedure for Quick Refund:


    1. Use your customer account or the MySwisscare app (please use the last version of iOS and Android) to initiate a claim.
    2. Log into your MySwisscare Account.
    3. Choose the relevant insurance policy and fill out the online fields.
    4. Capture or upload a detailed invoice as a PDF or JPG.
    5. Attach proof of payment (bank receipt or cash payment receipt from providers).
    6. Provide a brief statement about the medical issue and treatment received.
    7. Click 'Send' or 'Submit'.

    How long does it take for a refund to be made?


    After the claims service receives all necessary documents, the insurer starts the refund process. Typically, refunds are issued within 30 days of receiving complete documentation. However, during busy periods like December, processing might take longer. If you haven't received a refund within 45 days, it's advisable to reach out to the insurer directly through email or our contact form.

  • How long does it take until I receive my insurance policy?

    Instantly if you pay by credit card

    After the initial payment by credit card you can log into your MySwisscare account and download the insurance policy immediately.

    Payment by bank transfer: it may take up to two weeks 

    Payments coming from the EU/EEA or Switzerland usually only take around 2-3 bank office days until we receive them, and then shortly after it is credited to our account the payment will be visible in your personal MySwisscare Account. You will receive an email confirming reception.

    Payments made from outside of the EU/EEA or Switzerland can take up to two weeks until they are credited to our account. As soon as we have received them, you will receive an email confirming reception.

    You can pay by credit card at any time to receive your insurance policy instantly. 

    Just log into your MySwisscare account and under the tab "finance" you can choose to pay your insurance premium by credit card. After a few seconds, you will be able to download your insurance policy.

  • How do I cancel my insurance?

    Leaving Switzerland

    If you're departing Switzerland permanently, and will be returning your residence permit or if it expires, you can cancel your insurance starting the day after your departure. For example, if you depart on the 25th, the insurance remains valid through that day, and cancellation is effective on the 26th. To facilitate this, please send us a scanned copy of your official departure attestation from the city hall. Any paid premiums for the period post-departure will be refunded based on the presented policy.

    For refunds, please provide your banking details along with your departure attestation. We need: bank name, bank address, IBAN, SWIFT/BIC, account holder's name, and address. Upon receiving all necessary details, we will process your refund.

    If you made payments via a credit card, the unused portion will be refunded to the same card.

    Change in Status within Switzerland

    If you're no longer a student, intern, or au pair but are staying in Switzerland:

    By law and as per our General Insurance Conditions (GICs), once your status alters making you ineligible for the Student health insurance plan, it must be terminated. Since we might not be alerted of such transitions, you need to inform us to initiate cancellation and transition to the Swiss national health insurance scheme, KVG-LAMal. We're here to assist with this switch.

    Marrying a Swiss National

    Upon marrying a Swiss citizen, your residence status modifies. If your main reason for staying in Switzerland becomes definitive (non-temporary), you can't continue with the student health insurance exemption. It's crucial to inform Swisscare and the relevant authorities of these changes. Subsequently, you'll need to transition to the KVG-LAMal insurance scheme. We're here to guide you through this change.

    Switching to Another Insurer

    If you're considering moving to a different insurer and none of the aforementioned scenarios apply, you can end your coverage at the year's end (December 31st). However, notice should be provided by September 30th of the current year.

    For cancellation verification, we need a confirmation from your new insurer stating coverage commencement from January 1st of the next year. Remember, a mere offer won't suffice; it has to be an official insurance policy.

    Note: Cancellation is only permissible if your policy has been active for at least 12 months.

  • What is a copayment (excess)?

    The copayment, sometimes called 'excess,' is the amount you pay each year for the health services covered by your insurance.


    According to Swiss health insurance rules, you have to make two payments: the copayment and the franchise. Both of these are your responsibility for covering medical expenses. Copayments begin after you've reached the franchise amount.


    The copayment is limited to 10% of your medical costs, but it won't go over CHF 700 in a single year.

  • What is a deductible (franchise)?

    Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Basic Health Insurance:


    Every year, from January 1st to December 31st, there are two parts to what you might have to pay for your health care: a fixed amount called a 'deductible' and 10% of the costs, known as 'copayment'.


    You pay for medical services until you reach the amount of your chosen deductible. Once you've paid that amount, you only cover 10% of the remaining costs, up to a maximum of CHF 700 per year.


    You can find your specific deductible amount on your insurance policy.


    Swisscare does not recommend a deductible higher than CHF 1500. You will pay full medical bills up to your deductible amount. 

    Deductibles can only be changed once per year (01.01). 

  • Will I received a physical insurance card?

    Since 2019, Swisscare has chosen not to distribute physical insurance cards. Instead, you can easily access your Digital Insurance Card by downloading the MySwisscare app on both iOS and Android. Once installed, you'll find your card within your policy account.

Legal: Europäische Reiseversicherungs (entitled ERV in the GICs), is a branch of Helvetia Swiss Insurance Company Ltd, headquartered at St. Alban-Anlage 56, P.O, CH-4002 Basel. The company is registered by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory FINMA. Swisscare Switzerland AG, located at Morgenstrasse 129, 3018 Bern, Switzerland, is registered under the Swiss company index CHE-112.334.543. Furthermore, Swisscare Switzerland AG holds a registration as a non-tied insurance broker with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), under registration number F00183042.